Stone Mt

Stone Mt
Nothing better then spending time with my girls

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Just to save some money

It is 6:30am Saturday morning.  Bad enough I am awake at 6:30 actually was up at 5.  I have always thought those Friday morning after Thanksgiving shoppers are insane.  Where am I?  I am sitting in the Friendly shopping center waiting until 10am for the bi-annual REI garage sale.  Your thinking he got up on Saturday morning to save a couple bucks.  Nope it is even worse than that; I got to REI at 4:30pm Friday afternoon.  The great news not so great news there is 17 other crazy people here as well.  My hope is I can grab a pack.

They say the journey is ½ the fun.  I have yet again met some unique people.  The first person I met runs camps during the summer for at risk kids.  Based out of Asheboro they are an interfaith organization.  She also runs mission trips to Africa, and South American.  The next group a bunch of college kids their energy is so full of life.  I think I would like to live near a college campus.  Talking with them I felt younger.  Oh to be that full of dreams and desires.  Maybe that is why my daughter moved out.  The groups just behind me are profession garage sale ebayers.  While saying they are true outdoors people I did over hear them making their plans to grab the gadgets because they are worth the most.  A few boys from past ranger classes showed up and said they were surprise to see me. 

So why am I here?   I do like saving money.  The main reason my kids bugged me.  Any chance to get outside.  Any chance they can get out to meet new people and play.  So while I am resigned to paying full price for good equipment my boys wanted an adventure.  So last night they hooked up with some people and played some kind of wall ball mostly involving beaming the ball at each other.  They then engaged in a game called corn hole.  Well it was not long before they were throwing the bean bags at each other.  I think around 4am they finally passed out. 

Well we survived the day and saved around $480 on gear for our hike in April.  While I didn’t get my pack would call the adventure worthwhile.  With only one incident of a women showing up shortly before they opened the doors thinking she could just cut the other 300 people in line.  Katie was right; she knew I would be the one that would speak up and show her the end of the line.  Lady called me rude guess she didn’t think the line applied to her. 

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